We are excited to introduce CapitanMega to the Wehpa Familia. He is Wehpa’s correspondent based out of Atlanta. CapitanMega will be covering Atlanta & Miami. He has his own radio station Live show CapitanMega.fm. He was one of the first in the 90s to push Reggaeton to the world and has been on the bleeding edge of Marketing and Promotions and has hosted on TV. CapitanMega is also pursuing other business ventures . Check out CapitanMega
CapitanMega past promotions, events and radio
1990 boomboompromotions.
Mix 96.1
Altlanta & Miami
Maddnhouse whit djkhaled
Mega 95.7 in atlanta
Mix 96.1 miami
2000 95.7fm elzol
2008 lamega mundial
2012 mega 87.7 atlanta
2014 capitanmeg 87.9 fm atl
2021 capitanmega.fm worldwide mundial